extended disc level 1 
Step 1: Contact
Step 2: BILLING Address
Step 3: Credit Card Info
Credit Card Number:
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$700 x5 monthly instalments
$500 x7 monthly instalments
Reserve your spot - deposit $500
Item amount
Dynamically Updated $XX.00

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Each order is processed through a secure, 256-bit encrypted payment processing gateway to ensure your privacy.

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Here's What you'll get with your extended disc level i training
extended disc level i
    Accredited Practitioner & Trainer
  • 6x 90min LIVE Sessions
    Apr 8th, 9th, 10th, 15th, 14th & 22nd, 2025 7pm-8.30pm Syd/Mel
  • ​Your Own 20-Page Personal Analysis Report
  • ​Ongoing Support with Joe Pane [priceless]
  • ​BONUS #1 - Access to a private group with eDISC alumni, network & community support.
  • ​BONUS #2 – Access to an Extensive Online Resource Library, training slides and quick guides to confidently perform your profile unpacks.
  • ​BONUS #3 - VIP access to a members only platform with resources.
  • ​BONUS #4 - Technical support directly from EDISC HQ.

Add value to your toolbox and increase your marketability by becoming an Extended DISC® Accredited Practitioner.

​Learn to confidently deliver and debrief DISC profiles, facilitate DISC workshops and much more...

Order Information
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Your Billing Info

* Denotes mandatory fields

Billing Address
admin@beingbold.com.au | 0414 955 758
Here's What you'll get
This Masterclass is broken up into three workshop style sessions, designed to work through real life situations so you can take action and find immediate results
  •  1 Virtual ticket to the Bold Prospecting Masterclass ($500)
  •  3 content filled sessions to grow your pipeline ($500)
  •  3 Downloadable Session Workbooks ($500)
  • Template Library w/access to successful productivity checklists ($500)
  • Live examples and demos each session ($500)
  • Small group coaching sessions within workshops ($500)
  • ​Discount code to access a discounted ticket for future Masterclass Series ($500)

Caroline is a Dedicated, Skilled, Caring Trainer & Coach who grabs your attention and makes you sit up and take note. Caroline helps clear your head and puts the steps in place for success. I would highly recommend Caroline as a Business Coach and Staff Trainer.

- Kerry-Anne Nielsen - Red Property

Secure Processing

Each order is processed through a secure, 256-bit encrypted payment processing gateway to ensure your privacy.

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